Free Exams for All New Patients! Book Your first VISIT NOW!

Total dental care

Lithia Springs Staff

All-ages welcome

We treat patients of all ages and stages of care. Whether you're bringing in your little ones or seeking care for yourself as a senior, we are here to provide excellent care for your entire family. You can feel confident entrusting us with your smile.

A tailored experience

We understand that each patient has a unique smile and believe in providing customized treatments that cater to their specific needs. Our focus is always on the patient and their individual goals, working together to achieve the best results possible.

Trust, integrity, and compassion

Meet a dentist who loves to see patients smile

Dr.Nahid Bahrami
"Dr. Bahrami’s top priority and focus are to successfully provide her patients with the very best customer service and care!"

Free exams for all new patients

Dr. Bahrami’s top priority and focus are to successfully provide her patients with the very best customer service and care!

Free whitening for life

Every patient deserves a smile they can be proud of. Ask how you can enjoy the benefits of a brighter smiler for free!

Quality care, passionate service

Lithia Springs Staff

We’re keeping our community safe

Health screenings
Contactless check-in
Advanced sanitization
Fully equipped staff

Join our dental family today

Lithia Springs Staff

Lithia Springs Cosmetic &
Family Dentistry will make you smile.