Free Exams for All New Patients! Book Your first VISIT NOW!

Meet a dentist who loves to see patients smile

Dr.Nahid Bahrami
"Dr. Bahrami’s top priority and focus are to successfully provide her patients with the very best customer service and care!"

Free exams for all new patients

Dr. Bahrami’s top priority and focus are to successfully provide her patients with the very best customer service and care!

Free whitening for life

Every patient deserves a smile they can be proud of. Ask how you can enjoy the benefits of a brighter smiler for free!
Jessica McAllister
Gigi Kaur
Jaz Johal
Misty Weaver
Tiffany Threlkeld
Ashland Dean
Kenzie Sisk
Amy Gurley

Lithia Springs Cosmetic &
Family Dentistry will make you smile.