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Tooth-colored Fillings

Lithia Springs Staff

Fillings are commonly used to treat cavities,

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Lithia Springs Staff

The dental care experts

Tooth-colored fillings,

Lithia Springs Staff

The first step

when receiving composite fillings is to ensure that any existing fillings and decayed portions of the tooth have been completely removed. After the tooth is fully clean, a filling material that matches the natural color of the tooth is applied. By using a special dental curing light, the filling is hardened to give it the strength and stability of a healthy tooth. Finally, the filling is shaped and polished so that it has a natural appearance.

Upon completion of this quick and easy procedure, we make sure that the patient has a normal bite and no discomfort associated with the treated tooth. Afterwards, the patient will be able to resume their normal eating, brushing and flossing activities.

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