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Pediatric Dentistry

The dental care experts

The first dental visit

Pediatric services

Complete checkups for kids and teens

Lithia Springs Cosmetic & Family Dentistry is proud to provide complete dental checkups for kids. Such checkups are extremely important in properly evaluating your child’s dental development, while also checking for any dental abnormalities so treatment can be administered in a timely manner. Just like our regular complete checkups, these regularly-scheduled visits include a professional teeth cleaning, digital X-rays and an oral cancer screening. We also use these visits to provide parents with information on how to properly care for their child’s teeth.

Preventive treatments for kids and teens

Certain proactive preventive treatments can go a long way in protecting your child’s teeth from damage. Some common preventive dental treatments for kids include the use of dental sealants, fluoride applications and dental mouth guards for children who participate in contact sports.

Dental restorations for kids and teens

During the sensitive ages of childhood and adolescence, your child will most likely place a particularly high value on the appearance of their teeth. Our practice is prepared to offer your child with any dental restoration services needed to provide them with a smile that leaves them feeling confident. Whether it’s crowning, bridgework or braces, our trusted team is ready for your child or teen.

Emergency dentistry

The dental care experts at Lithia Springs Cosmetic & Family Dentistry are prepared for dental emergencies of patients of all ages. If your child ever experiences a dental emergency, our caring staff will make every effort to help them stay calm and relaxed during these unforeseen circumstances. Most importantly, our team of experts will do everything possible to provide the best immediate treatment for your child. With Lithia Springs Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, your child’s teeth are in the best possible hands.
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Lithia Springs StaffLithia Springs Staff
Lithia Springs StaffLithia Springs Staff
Lithia Springs StaffLithia Springs Staff
Lithia Springs StaffLithia Springs Staff
Lithia Springs StaffLithia Springs Staff

Lithia Springs Cosmetic &
Family Dentistry will make you smile.